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2023-12-28: Adopted for "Project of SME Innovation Creation Promotion Fund" by MAFF of Japan!

Our proposal for "Social Implementation of Allergen-Reduced Eggs to Achieve Food Barrier-Free" has been selected by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the "Project of the Small and Middle-sized Enterprises Innovation Promotion Fund (Phase 3 Fund Project)". This project will run from FY2023 to FY2027, with a total project cost of 1.3 billion yen.

This project supports the promotion of social implementation of cutting-edge technologies possessed by startups in Japan by conducting a large-scale technology demonstration (Phase 3) to enable startups to implement their technologies in society.

We will conduct a large-scale demonstration test for the social implementation of "allergen-reduced eggs," which is the result of research conducted by Professor Hiroyuki Horiuchi of Hiroshima University and Kewpie Corporation at the COI-NEXT "The Center of Innovation for Bio-Digital Transformation (Bio-DX)". This project will contribute to the realization of a "food barrier-free" society.

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