Contact Us
Please contact us first.
We will be happy to suggest the best analysis method.
Sample preparation and quality control
Extract high quality DNA and ensure that it is of suitable quality for library preparation.
Prepare libraries optimized for next-generation sequencers.
Expected duration: 1 to 2 weeks
Extraction of high molecular weight DNA
Evaluation of DNA quality and purity
Library Preparation
Sequencing Execution
We perform high depth and high precision sequencing using the latest next-generation sequencers.
We combine long and short reads and Hi-C data according to the species and purpose to ensure comprehensive genome coverage.
Expected duration: 1 to 2 weeks
Long Chain Sequencing (PacBio / Oxford Nanopore)
Short chain sequencing (Illumina)
Hi-C library creation and sequencing
Genome Assembly and Annotation
We perform highly accurate de novo genome assembly using state-of-the-art algorithms and high-performance computational resources.
We then perform gene prediction and functional annotation to construct comprehensive genome information.
Delivery Time : 1-2 weeks
de novo Assembly
Gap Closing
Gene prediction and functional annotation
Data analysis and reporting
We provide in-depth analysis of genomic features and gene function and create custom reports tailored to the client's needs.
Our bioinformaticians provide expert interpretation and insight.
Expected duration: 1 to 2 weeks
Comparative Genome Analysis
Functional Enrichment Analysis
Custom Reporting
High-Throughput Genome Sequencing and Analysis for Industrially Useful Organisms
We use the PacBio Sequel IIe, a high-precision long-read sequencer, to obtain highly accurate genome data for industrially useful organisms.
We also offer Oxford Nanopore long read sequencing, Illumina short read sequencing, and Hi-C Scaffolding according to the species and purpose.
de novo genome sequencing + assembly
1,000,000 yen 〜
(Excluding Tax)
High-quality genomic data analysis with advanced technology
Delivery time: From 1 month
Prediction of gene structure and function
500,000 yen 〜
(Excluding Tax)
Detailed genetic analysis opens up new possibilities
Delivery Time : From 1 month