Our efforts for social implementation of our "Allergy-Reduced Eggs for Food Barrier-Free" were featured on the website of the SBIR3 Fund Project of the Cabinet Office in the field of "Development and Demonstration of Innovative Agricultural, Forestry and Marine Products Using New Breeding Technology".
General overview of demonstration projects (p.40) https://c80c7727-26a6-4d00-affe-610e0335bcb0.usrfiles.com/ugd/a59d5e_ab6955e8b2f34219b38091f06010978a.pdf
The SBIR system is designed to promote research and development by startups, etc., and to facilitate the smooth implementation of the results in society, thereby promoting the creation of innovation in Japan. (*) (*) SBIR: SBIR System Project Overview and Objectives (https://sbir.csti-startup-policy.go.jp/purpose)