Basic Fraud Prevention Policy
PtBio Co., Ltd. will formulate basic policies for preventing misconduct based on the guidelines (implementation standards) for the management and auditing of public research funds at research institutions, and will manage and administer competitive research funds, etc.
The person responsible for the operation and management of competitive research funds, etc. shall be appointed as follows:
Chief Administrative Officer Representative Director
General Manager of Management Planning Department
Compliance Promotion Officer Head of Research and Development Department
Additionally, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members will review the status of the establishment and operation of internal controls to prevent fraud from a company-wide perspective and provide their opinions.
1. Clarification of responsibility system
The Chief Administrator will take the following steps to create an environment that will serve as the basis for proper operation and management.
Implementing compliance education and awareness-raising activities (improving and spreading awareness among related parties)
Clarification and unification of rules
Clarification of duties and authorities
Establishment of rules regarding the handling of allegations, etc., investigations, and disciplinary measures, and transparency of their implementation
2. Creating an environment that serves as the basis for proper operation and management
By identifying the factors that lead to fraud and formulating and implementing specific fraud prevention plans, we will encourage voluntary efforts by those involved and take the following steps to prevent the occurrence of fraud.
Establishment of a person or department in charge of promoting the fraud prevention plan
Identifying factors that lead to fraud and formulating and implementing fraud prevention plans
3Understanding the factors that lead to fraud and formulating and implementing fraud prevention plans
We will execute the budget appropriately based on the fraud prevention plan. In addition, we will retain documents and data related to the execution of research funds for a set period of time so that they can be verified at a later date.
4. Appropriate management and administration of research funds
(相談受付窓口) 経営企画部
5. Promoting information dissemination and sharing
In order to minimize the possibility of fraud occurring, we will develop and implement an effective monitoring system from a company-wide perspective. In addition, we will constantly strive to improve and strengthen organizational checks and balances.
6. Monitoring
Established on November 1, 2023
PtBio Inc. CEO Keisuke Okuhara